
martes, 19 de octubre de 2010

I have pictures of you in my computer

Hi, hi, hi, hi, hi, hello, hi, hello, hello, hi.

You don't know me, but I've seen you in the bakery, I've seen you, I've seen you, hmm... from, I've seen you, I've seen you in the bakery, in the bakery, I've seen you in the bakery from time to time, I noticed you in the bakery, I noticed you in the bakery.

I always, always, always, always. I have seen you frecuently in the bakery.

You are beautiful.

I wish. I wish. I wish. I just to hate to say... ah...

I love you.

Hi. Hello. Hi. Hi.


I've seen you in th bakery. You are, are, are. Very pretty. You are a vision. You're very pretty.

Do you like Star Trek? I have been wondering. I like Star Trekk. How are you?

You don't know me. I've seen you frecuently arround and I was wondering. I was wondering. I was wondering if. If. If. I was wondering if you would be interested...

I wanna fuck you in the ass...

Would you been interested in coming to see a movie with me. I'll buy a popcorn.

I've seen you in the bakery. I'm wondering if you. May be... ah... walk with me. Would you like to go from... walk.

You have very pretty. Eyes. Your eyes are. Your eyes are pretty. Your beautiful eyes.

Would you like to. I like to go in a date with you. I wanna fuck you. I love you. I wanna fuck you. You're very attractive. I love you. You have beautiful... I love you. I love you. I - love - you.

You remind me a spring day when the flowers has just begun to bloom... I would love you to join me for an afternoon. And we could play a game of chess together.

I love you. I fucking love you. I love you. I don't love you. I'm a stalker. Oh, you don't like my beard? Very well.

I'm a stalker. I'm a fucking stalker. I wanna fuck you. I wanna fuck you. I wanna fuck you... etc.

Would you? I like you. You don't know me. Please, come with me. We can eat some spinach salad together.

I love you It would be magic. I wanna see you naked! I wanna see you naked! I wanna see you naked!

I love the way you smell. You smell so good. When I smell you, etc.

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