
domingo, 18 de abril de 2010


Es el fin
(no es el fin)

Domingo a la medianoche en La otra.-radio: lo que hasta ahora nadie se atrevió a decir del Bafici 2010. Viene Roger Koza. FM La Tribu / 88.7 / www.fmlatribu.com

CALVARY (canción de la película Morrer como um homen)

One night as I lay sleeping
I could hear children singing a song
When I woke up I was weeping
And I knew that something was terribly wrong

Who are all those children
And what do they want with me?
What's that song they're singing?
Something about Calvary

Up on Calvary

Jesus Said, Don't weep for me
No, don't weep for me
Weep for your children instead
Who are all of those children anyway?
They ought to be home in bed

What happened to your Mama?
Where has your Daddy gone?
What happened to your big sister
And why are you singing that dreadful song?

Take up your cross and follow
Wake up from your sleep
Wake up, wake up in sorrow
Wake up, wake up and weep

Take up your cross and follow
Won't you follow me?
Wake up, wake up in sorrow
Wake up on Calvary.

1 comentario:

El hombre equivocado dijo...

Gracias por la cancion. Es tan hermosa como la película.

PD cholula: me pareció verte en la función de "Buen día, día" del domingo pasado. ¿Eras vos?