
miércoles, 1 de julio de 2009


por Diego Menegazzi

Lamentablemente no pude asistir al concierto de la gran Rickie Lee Jones en el Teatro Gran Rex. Esta maravillosa cantautora norteamericana, nacida en Chicago en 1954, siempre se caracterizó por la originalidad con que ha incursionado en los más variados estilos, incluyendo el rock, el folk, el blues, el country y el jazz, entre otros.

Entre sus discos más destacados se encuentran su ábum debut, Rickie Lee Jones (1979), Pirates (1981), The magazine (1984), Pop Pop (1991), Ghostyhead (1997), It's like this (2000) y el reciente The Sermon on Exposition Boulevard (2007).

En 1995 grabó Naked Songs - Live and acoustic, donde Rickie recrea algunas canciones de su repertorio acompañada solo por su guitarra y su piano. Aquí tienen su versión desnuda de The Last Time Texaco.

A long stretch of headlights
Bends into I-9
Tiptoe into truck stops
And sleepy diesel eyes
Volcanoes rumble in the taxi
And glow in the dark
Camels in the driver's seat
A slow, easy mark.

But you ran out of gas
Down the road a piece
Then the battery went dead
And now the cable won't reach...

It's your last chance
To check under the hood
Last chance
She ain't soundin' too good,
Your last chance
To trust the man with the star
You've found the last chance Texaco.

Well, he tried to be Standard
He tried to be Mobil
He tried living in a world
And in a shell
There was this block-busted blonde
He loved her - free parts and labor
But she broke down and died
And threw all the rods he gave her.

But this one ain't fuel-injected
Her plug's disconnected
She gets scared and she stalls
She just needs a man, that's all.

It's her last chance
Her timing's all wrong
Her last chance
She can't idle this long
Her last chance
Turn her over and go
Pullin' out of the last chance Texaco
The last chance.

1 comentario:

el Lord dijo...

Una grande, Rickie Lee.

Gracias por los videos.